Hopping Into the Year of the Rabbit

Campaign Period: 15 January to 25 January 2023

For Chinese New Year, TSLAW Land seeked to create an engaging and non-traditional presence in The Star newspaper. How could the company effectively utilise the platform to engage with our readers?


The core idea our marketing team came up with was to leverage The Star newspaper as an engagement delivery device. With 2023 being the year of the rabbit, the team crafted a marketing campaign that encouraged readers to fold origami rabbits baskets using The Star newspaper.

Leading up to Chinese New Year, blurbs teasing the origami rabbit baskets were published in The Star newspaper, ePaper and social media. A jacket wrap containing the origami instructions was published in The Star newspaper during the first two days of Chinese New Year. Readers could scan the QR code to watch a tutorial video, or submit their origami rabbit via WhatsApp for a chance to be featured in The Star.

The jacket wrap contained instructions and materials for readers to fold their own rabbit baskets:

The campaign saw a record-breaking 25x increase in engagement in comparison to other campaigns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwxyxR9EU8Y&t=1s

Lucky readers who got featured in The Star: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/living/2023/02/03/folding-fun-for-creative-readers